When It comes to new customers the biggest thing to remember is skepticism will be at the highest it's gonna get throughout your relationship. You need to prove your self, here are my top 3 approaches.
Credentials, by far one of the biggest weapons in it's field. Show customer reviews, past projects and anything that will help sell you and not your product anywhere you can.
Be friendly, if you come at them booming with prices, deals and negotiations, it is without a doubt that the customer will begin to feel overwhelmed, scared and even potentially increase skepticism (your gonna here me say this A LOT) Be a friend and help to guide them, show them where to go, your you are here to help them not take their money.
Give them a taste. The biggest weapon that saved me from falling like the rest in my market is to give them a taste of what you have to offer. Show them what you do works, if your a coach give them drills, if your a personal trainer give them a diet plan. Whatever you give them it must be FREE and effective. I can't stress how important this one is. It has the power to boost sales and conversation rates by almost 120% it has worked for me and many others and I hope it does the same for you.